Friday 3 December 2021

A Wander Around the City of Truro, Cornwall

It was a bit of a grey day but my wife had a dentist appointment in Truro. I took the opportunity to walk around the City.

Not a particularly good day for photos but I wandered about. 

The photo below shows Truro's Coinage Hall which has a long history stretching back to the 1300's. Cornish tin was assayed here prior to being exported. The present building was built in 1848.

One of the numerous buses, in various colours, that service the Truro area

Next is Upper Lemon Street which has a long history. There's a photo of how the sreet looked back in1890 here

I wonder how many of these traditional phone boxes are used nowadays. When a teenager I remember phoning a girlfriend using such a phone box. I knew of a way to make free lengthy calls so could chat to her for ages. Anyway, had better move on quickly.

This is a newish part of Truro with a large Marks & Spencer shop at the far end.

Primark makes sure it is noticed by shoppers.

Nearly opposite to Primark is a more traditional building: the Market Inn.

Wandering back now towards where I started.

I nearly forgot to mention Truro's Cathedral with it's spires high above the shops and other buildings.

I have previously written posts on Truro Cathedral here.

More buses.

Here's a bit of an oddity near to the Cathedral. The pointed building below is/was St. Mary's church spire. According to what I have read, there had been a church here since the 13th century. 

In 1768 the church was altered and a 39 metre high spire was added to the building. In 1880 the church was demolished to make way for the Cathedral. In 2015 the spire was moved to it's present position - as seen below - which is by the Cathedral Green.

Finally a road, on the way out of the city - it has humps for 100 yards and a speed limit of 20 mph. Not much I can add to that!

I thought I'd better finish off the post with a photo of Truro Cathedral. I snapped this a while back, on a bright day. As you can see the Truro River tide was out - so it was feeding time for the birds. 

P.S. A few Autumn scenes.

This is a wild area nearish to where I live.

Looks quite interesting but, as there was quite a chill in the air, I didn't linger too long.

Many thanks for visiting my blog, take care, have a good week ~ Mike


  1. Interesting mix of modern & traditional buildings, good to see the old K6 phone kiosks too.

  2. Thanks David, those K6's, don't seem to get used very much nowadays. Not very pleasant weatherwise at the moment. Have a good weekend.

  3. Cher Mike ! Bon air de la ville, ce qui est étrange. Des figurines trônent sur le toit et sur le pavé ? J'espère que votre femme n'a pas eu de soucis, d"inquiétude chez le dentiste ou à la sortie ?
    Amitiés à vous Mike !

    1. Merci pour votre commentaire. Je suis heureux de dire que ma femme allait bien après sa visite chez le dentiste. La ville de Truro est prête pour Noël maintenant.Tous mes vœux à vous.

  4. Hello Mike, I was terribly knocked out with the lurgy all last week and so missed your super post. I used to work in Truro, but it is always good to see it through fresh eyes. Many a time I have walked past the Coinage Hall and now I know something of its history thanks to you. Isn't the Market Inn a fab building? And I've never considered the old spire in the cathedral's green. Very interesting. Lulu x

    1. Hello Lulu, hope the lurgy has been beaten and you are feeling well. I like the Market Inn too - and most old buildings! Sometimes I imagine how life must have been in the far past. Good wishes.




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