Monday, 22 March 2021

Problems at Charlestown Harbour and Beach

I wasn't wandering lonely as a cloud but I did see a host of golden daffodils - a beautiful arc of yellow. I believe they were originally planted as a reminder of the Marie Curie cancer charity

Anyway, we were on the way to Charlestown harbour, one of my favourite places. The winter sun was shining, the sky was blue.

Unfortunately we discovered that there were problems at Charlestown, part of the harbour wall had been damaged.

All sorts of equipment and machinery were in view and the harbour was closed to the public and boats. 

As the harbour was built between 1791 and 1801 it's no doubt due some sort titillation. 

There was also a problem with cliffs falls at Charlestown, so the small beaches were closed as well.

The Pier House was okay but, of course, was closed because of the coronavirus lockdown.

A few ships were in port. I guess they won't be travelling very far until the harbour is back to normality.

The Rashleigh Arms old bumpy car park was empty...

... as was the pub and restaurant.

Birds are lucky, as they don't seem to be affected by the virus - they still have their freedom and something to eat.

I have many posts about Charlestown, here are a couple at random:


  1. Perhaps you chose the perfect time to visit Charlestown with no people about! I’m surprised that a crowd had not gathered to watch the heavy equipment as is often the case. Your beautiful photos tell me that Spring has come to Cornwall once again and isn’t that great news. In spite of the past year, it has gone as quickly as all time passes now. Glad you are well and getting out a bit. Best wishes for your continued health and safety!

    1. Hello Ann. Yes, Spring is officially here but the days are mixed at the moment between sunshine and grey skies. But, in saying that, Spring is my favourite season, full of new beginnings and possibilities. You are so right about how quickly the last year has passed.
      All good wishes, enjoy your days!

  2. Good to see Charlestown harbour, even if it's out of bounds just now. The Daffodils signal the start of Spring, we're having some better weather just now but, as we are in an area with the highest infection rate, we still don't dare go out.

  3. Thanks David, sorry to hear your area has a high infection rate, must be quite worrying. We seem to be okay here and manage to get out for walks, preferably to quiet spots.
    All good wishes.

  4. Oh dear ... I wonder how long it will take to restore the wall; you have definitely captured a moment in time. What magnificent daffs, and as for those Cornish-blue skies ...

  5. Hello Caroline, not sure how long the wall will take, hopefully not too long. It's good to see the Spring flowers - always uplifting. All good wishes.

  6. Great photos Mike. It must be quite a job to maintain such an old harbour. The daffs and blue skies are just great. Lulu x

    1. Thank you Lulu. Hopefully all will be back to normal soon. I like to wander round the harbour, feels like stepping back in time. It gets busy in the summer months though because of its link to Poldark.




A short wander around the harbour at Mevagissey, Cornwall on a pleasant day. Lots of boats on display depending on the season, The name of M...