Tuesday 13 August 2019

Boscastle Harbour, Cornwall and Very Old Harbour Walls

The old harbor wall at Boscastle, Cornwall

This is Boscastle harbour, Cornwall and also its old harbour walls - built way back in 1584 by Sir Richard Grenville.

The old harbour at Boscastle, Cornwall

Sir Richard (1542-1591) seems an interesting character. He was a lord of several manors in the west country and held various official positions. This included being the Member of Parliament for Cornwall. He was a cousin of Sir Walter Raleigh.

Looking down on the old castle wall at Boscastle, Cornwall

Grenville was perhaps most known for his military service and died in battle. To quote Encyclopaedia Britannica :

In 1591, Grenville was made second in command (under Lord Thomas Howard) of a squadron of about 15 vessels sent to intercept a Spanish treasure fleet off the Azores. When 53 Spanish vessels approached to protect their treasure ships, the English retreated, but Grenville was delayed and cut off. Undaunted, he attempted to run his ship, the Revenge, through the Spanish line. After 15 hours of hand-to-hand combat against 15 Spanish galleons and a force of 5,000 men, the Revenge with her 190-man crew was captured (Sept. 9/10, 1591). A few days later the wounded Grenville died on board the Spanish flagship.

The almost hidden inlet to Boscastle harbour, Cornwall

As for Boscastle itself, the harbour is a natural inlet (as above) and is the only place where a harbour could be built on this stretch of Cornwall's intimidating north coast. 

The white building high on the cliff top (top left above) is a lookout built in the early 1800s. It's possible to follow a path from the harbour to the lookout - great views, of course, from the top.

The previous photos and the one below were snapped from the east side of the harbour.

The small, old harbour wall at Boscastle, Cornwall

We now move over to the west side of the harbour. On my visit the tide was returning. Both harbour walls can be seen in the photo below.

The harbour filling with water at Boscastle, Cornwall

Looking at the photo below I always think the cliffs to the right of the inlet look like some sort of an animal waiting to gobble up any unwanted visitors.

The old harbour walls at Boscastle, Cornwall

Another look at the smaller harbour wall.

Boscastle harbour

And finally looking inland from the harbour - the height of the water will soon increase.

Looking from the harbour inland from Boscastle harbour, Cornwall

P.S. Boscastle was where I had quite a remarkable coincidence, see The Coincidence Meeting At Boscastle, Cornwall

Sunday 11 August 2019

St.Materiana Church, High on the Cliffs Overlooking the Atlantic at Tintagel, Cornwall

High on Glebe Cliff overlooking the Atlantic is Tintagel's parish church of St.Materiana. I took the photos while on a lovely circular walk starting at the church.

St.Materiana is believed to have been a 5th century princess of Gwent, the daughter of King Vortimer. It is said that she helped introduce Christianity to the local area in about 500 AD. The church was built between 1080 and 1150. 

I noticed the postcard below addressed to 'Heaven' while I wandered round the church. I found it very touching.

The postcard is in a child's handwriting and says:

"Dear Danny,

I hope you are having a lovely time in Heaven.

I miss you a lot.

From Marina"

The church is only a short distance along the high cliffs from Tintagel Castle, often referred to as King Arthur's castle. Tradition says that he was conceived within the castle walls. 

The photo above shows how the castle is built into the cliff itself.

P.S. There is a free car park at the church but it only holds about ten vehicles at the most. From the village it's up a very narrow, steep hill. Alternatively there are many car parks in Tintagel - but you'll have to walk up the hill!

Also see:

Friday 9 August 2019

St.Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall : An Old 1261 Church Plus Dozens and Dozens of Vintage Motorcycles.

The church of St.Stephen, Cornwall

Old Stone Cross in St.Stephen churchyard, Cornwall
I was in St.Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall on Wednesday. We had two reasons to visit the village, firstly to tend a grave in the churchyard - always a sad moment.

The church (as above) was dedicated on 20th August, 1261 but has had various renovations over the years. It is thought that this wasn't the first church here, as there are very ancient stone crosses in the churchyard.

Our second reason to visit St.Stephen was to visit Hawkins Garage. We bought a new car from the group last year and the first service was due. While waiting for them to complete the service we had a coffee in their café. 

Never having been in there previously we were surprised by all of the old motorcycles on display - dozens and dozens of them.

Must admit that I have never been into motorcycles. I remember when young most of my friends got motorbikes but I bought an old banger of a car instead. I think I realised the advantage of a back seat.

Anyway, I snapped a few quick photos of some of the motorcycles. It really is a museum and everything is so neat and tidy. As I understand it the café / museum is open six days a week and entry is free.

Here are just a few of the motorcycles … BSA ...

Vintage BSA Motorcycles

… Triumph ...

Vintage Triumph Motorcycles

… Triumph Thunderbirds …

Vintage Triumph Motorcycles

... and I believe this is a McKenzie. From the sign I see it was initially sold for 26 UK Guineas. 

McKenzie Motorbike

 Even though I'm not that interested in motorcycles it made a fascinating half an hour looking at them. I'll stick with a car though!

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Wandering Around Charlestown Harbour, Cornwall : 10 Photos

Charlestown harbour, Cornwall

I was in Charlestown, Cornwall on Sunday morning and snapped a few quick photos as I walked round the harbour.

Quite a few people about and many were having coffee, or something stronger, at the Pier House.

The Charlestown Rowing Club entered the harbour after a rowing session at sea.

The harbour at Chralestown, Cornwall

The rowers hauled their boat up the slope in front of the Pier House.

Charlestown Harbour, Cornwall

Several people were fishing from the harbour wall. I didn't see anyone, though, who had actually caught a fish.

Fishing at Charlestown from harbour wall

There was only one tall sailing ship in the inner harbour.

Charlestown's Inner Harbour and a tall sailing ship

A closer look at the tall ship.

Old Sailing Ship at Charlestown Harbour, Cornwall

From the main harbour to the inner harbour there is a narrow bridge. The level of the water is higher here.

Bridge across the inner harbour at Charlestown, Cornwall

Looking at the cottages which have views over the harbour.

Cottages on Charlestown Harbour, Cornwall

The flags were about. Many of the cottages are now holiday homes.

Old cottage overlooking Charlestown Harbour

The cottage below had their St.Piran Cornwall flags on display.

Cottage at Charlestown Harbour, Cornwall

See also:
(1) A Stroll Around Poldark's Charlestown Harbour, Cornwall - 12 Photos
(2) Charlestown: Built to Export Copper Ore
(3) The Cave On Charlestown Beach, Cornwall

Monday 5 August 2019

The Esplanade Hotel and Fistral Beach and Lots of Cars

In my previous couple of posts I mentioned that we stayed in Newquay for a few days. We were lucky enough to be gifted a free stay at the Esplanade Hotel, overlooking Fistral Beach - the white building in the photo above.

elow is a photo I snapped while having a coffee in their downstairs public rooms, overlooking the beach - thus the reflections in the picture.

Of course, while seeing the impressive beach, there is also a good view of cars - many cars - many, many cars.

Parking is limited and very few are lucky enough to get in the small hotel car park. This therefore means parking in the road - if you can find a space. I couldn't when I arrived and had to park a heck of a way from the hotel. In the photo below you can see cars continuously along the Esplanade, not a parking spot to be seen.

The difficulty is that beach-goers also park here when they are going to Fistral Beach. The situation improves after about six o'clock in the evening.

Here's where I eventually parked in the evening. I snapped the photo while my wife was rummaging in the boot for something or other - I blurred my car registration number.

The hotel has it's good and not so good parts. I enjoyed the food, both the three course meal in the evening and the full English breakfast. There were vegetarian options.

What I didn't like was the accommodation. We had a standard (small!) room, which looked out to the back of the hotel and, when we walked in, it was like an oven - no air conditioning. In fairness we found a fan but it didn't really help much. As well as the heat, there was lots of noise all through the night.

As I mentioned, I didn't have to pay for the room, but If I had I was informed it would have been £210 per night for a couple (including dinner and breakfast) and more for a higher standard room.

Finishing on a positive note the hotel has an enviable position with excellent views, as below, and we found all of the staff to be very friendly and pleasant.

See also:
(1) Newquay Cliff Tops Plus an Abundance of Sand at the Gannel Estuary, Cornwall 
(2) Photos of Fistral Beach, Newquay, Cornwall

Saturday 3 August 2019

Newquay Cliff Tops Plus an Abundance of Sand at the Gannel Estuary, Cornwall

Cliffs Cornwall

In my previous post I mentioned that we recently stayed in Newquay for a few days. As well as enjoying Fistral Beach we also walked in the opposite direction along the Esplanade.

It wasn't what I would call a 'proper' walk, more of an easy stroll, but it was nice to relax and enjoy the views without many other people about.

There were still a few wild flowers on the cliffs as the photos above and below show.

Cliff flowers, Newquay, Cornwall

The walk / stroll was mostly along the cliff tops. Then came a view of Lewinnick Lodge on the Pentire Headland. This seemingly has 'boutique accommodation' along with being a restaurant and bar. It certainly has a fine position - when the weather is behaving itself.

Pentire Head, Newquay

We continued walking along the cliffs ...

Cliffs at Pentire Head, Cornwall

… until, that is, we reached an abundance of sand at the Gannel Estuary.

Sand at Gannel Estuary, Cornwall

If you like sand and lots of elbow room this must be paradise - but beware of the tides, this can also be a dangerous place to swim or wade.

Big expanse of sand at Gannel Estuary, Cornwall

There are also sand dunes.

Sand dunes at Gannel Estuary

As we approached the sand we noticed a fresh flower memorial had been left on the shrubbery. This must have once been someone's special place.

Flower memorial, Gannel Estuary, Cornwall

After enjoying the sand we followed the path back to where we started. All in all a very pleasant stroll.

Newquay, Cornwall

See also:
Photos of Fistral Beach, Newquay, Cornwall

Thursday 1 August 2019

Photos of Fistral Beach, Newquay, Cornwall

On a previous post, Fistral Beach - One of Newquay's Finest For Surfing, the photos were taken on a wonderful sunshine day. I spent a couple of days in the area this week, when the weather was quite variable, so there appeared to be many faces of Fistral Beach as the photos show.

The day started with full sunshine, other than a few fluffy white clouds - photo above.

The long beach began to fill with surfers and sun lovers.

Gradually though a few more clouds appeared.

Later, the early evening had a slight chill, so not many people about.

A few cliffside flowers did their best to brighten the view.

Later that evening most of the people had gone and the majestic Headland Hotel took center stage.

The next day, the weather wasn't brilliant, a slight drizzle in the air, but the surfers were on their boards.

A few other Newquay Posts:
(1) Newquay, Cornwall - Wonderful Beaches, Stunning Views
(2) Newquay Harbour, Cornwall In 1875 and 2019  
(3) The Hue and Cry Made From A Huers Hut At Newquay, Cornwall



  We had to make a short visit to Fowey so I snapped a few quick photos as we walked. The first two are views on the way from the Fowey car ...