Saturday 9 January 2021

The Pentewan Trail, Cornwall

We had a walk, or maybe it was more of a stroll, along the Pentewan Valley Trail.

It was a little damp under foot but all was very pleasant. We walked alongside the small river heading towards Pentewan harbour and village.

Part of the walk is a path through a wood, very attractive with the fallen leaves underfoot.

It had been raining a heck of a lot, so much water either side of the path.

The trees and reflections made some confusing views.

The trail ended for us at Pentewan harbour. The photo below shows the sluice gate built in 1872. This  controlled the water used to flush out the harbour basin. 

A few more small trees and quite a lot of water.

And then we reached the now defunct harbour at Pentewan.

From here we retraced our steps alongside the river.

I guess we walked just under three miles. So nothing very strenuous, but it's always uplifting to get out in the fresh air and amongst the trees and nature.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

A couple of random Pentewan posts:

Tuesday 5 January 2021

Walking Along the Cliffs and Golf Course From Carlyon Bay

The weather was in a quandary. Should it rain, dabble in sunshine, or be dark and threatening? 

Whatever the weather we decided to go for a walk and headed for Carlyon Bay golf course. Not to play though, as I agree with Mark Twain who said 'Golf is a good walk spoiled' - apologies to golfers! 

Alongside the golf course, overlooking the sea, there is a public footpath with some lovely views. You have to be aware of any stray golf balls, of course.

With the golf course stretched out before us it turned quite dark with a few drops of rain.

Clouds formed as we walked.

We decided to visit Spit Beach - from the footpath - and the sun did its best to shine.

For a brief moment the beach looked great with blue-green sea lapping the shore.

As we retraced our steps, alongside the golf course, dark clouds, again ...

... some appeared to be hovering above the horizon.

With Carlyon Bay beach in view we are nearly back to where we started. 

To walkalong side the golf course park in Carlyon Bay beach car park. It's a bit bumpy but is free out of the tourist season. Walk down the hill, a short way, and on the left is a Public Footpath sign, follow this. Note the path can get a bit muddy following heavy rain.

It's possible to carry on walking past Spit Beach and onto Par Beach.

Sunday 3 January 2021

Charlestown Harbour on Special Mornings

I guess, to a degree, we are all creatures of habit. We, for example, always seem to gravitate to Charlestown harbour on special mornings such as Christmas, New Year and so on. 

We were even at Charlestown very early on the Millennium morning. I remember how misty it was as we stood looking back at the harbour. It was like stepping back in time.

On Christmas morning there weren't many people about so felt quite safe despite the Covid-19 rules and regulations. 

The couple below were wearing their Christmas hats.

The Georgian Pier House at Charlestown was closed but had attracted fifty or more white doves on the roof.

As for the stony east beach, the tide was in and not a person in sight.

Actually the first photo I snapped at Charlestown, below, was quite early. All was still and peaceful.

Hope your New Year is going well.

Two random Charlestown posts:

Friday 1 January 2021

On Tour: Alone with the Stones at Stonehenge

Perhaps I should have started 2021 with Cornwall photos but, for some reason, I had a feeling that my first blog of the year should be photos of Stonehenge - so I followed my feelings! The photos are all pre the coronavirus and were snapped by me.

Life goes on, despite the problems of 2020. To think, though, that Stonehenge has probably been around for 5000 years. There's hope for us all.

The official line, regarding Stonehenge is that it is, "a survival from a prehistoric culture now lost to us. The monument evolved between 3,000 BC and 1,600 BC and is aligned with the midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset - but it's exact purpose remains a mystery".

All well and good, but so many questions. Looking at my photo above it indicates that the stones may well have been erected by people  familiar with making items of wood.

The single stone has a rounded part at the top. This would originally have supported a lintel which would have had an appropriate hole, into which the rounded part would have fitted - a form of rustic carpentry joint.

Nearby Stonehenge there is also the lesser known Woodhenge, probably built around 2000BC. This is made up of six concentric oval rings. The wood inserts have now rotted away and replaced by concrete posts.
Continuing again with photos of Stonehenge.

I like the photo below as it gives more of a feel as to how Stonehenge would have once looked.

 The final photo is of the the 'Heel Stone' which is about 40 yards outside of the main circle of stones. This is featured in the Druids celebrations at Midsummer.

Standing in the centre of the circle, at this time, watchers can see the sun rise in line with the Heel Stone. At sight of the first rays Druids declare, "Arise, Oh Sun! Let the darkness of night fade before the beams of thy glorious light!"

Though the Druids seem to have adopted Stonehenge they weren't in existence at the time the stones were erected. So they didn't build Stonehenge, as is often believed.

I love Stonehenge, a special place if you allow your imagination to run wild. I've been lucky enough to have wandered through the stones and touched them, and have felt their energy.

With that thought I wish everyone a Happy 2021 and beyond.

Monday 28 December 2020

A Cornish Ancient Custom For The New Year

A New Year tale from days gone by:

In the rural districts of Cornwall, it is thought to be unlucky if  a female is first to enter the house on New Year's Morning. To insure the contrary, it was customary, to give boys some small reward for placing sand on the doorsteps and in the passage.

In many places, not many years since, droves of boys would march through towns and villages, collecting their fees for 'sanding your step for good luck'.

I know a lady who, at the commencement of the present year, sent a cabman into her house before her, on promise of giving him a glass of spirits, so that she might insure the good luck which depends upon 'a man taking the New Year in'.

The above was taken from an 1865 book by Robert Hunt titled: The Traditions and Superstitions of Old Cornwall.

Wednesday 23 December 2020

How Santa Delivers All of Those Presents - Happy Christmas Everyone!

How does he do it? How does Father Christmas (Santa Claus) manage to deliver to all of the children around the world, who believe in him? That's about 700 million children! Also, how the heck does he get all of the presents down the chimney? As a child my mother used to tell me Santa had a special pill that made him small, but I never really bought her theory.

Now though, we have an answer! Dr Katy Sheen from Exeter University has an explanation based on Einstein's theory of relativity.

The doctor started out by calculating how fast Father Christmas would have to travel by working out the number of households likely to celebrate Christmas around the world and the number of children likely to be in them. She eventually decided that Santa would have to travel at about 10 million kilometres per hour to deliver presents to every child expected to celebrate Christmas in 31 hours, taking into account different time zones.

That all sounds like quite a problem but, by Santa going so fast - according to Einstein - objects travelling at such a speed would become compressed in size. Therefore Santa would shrink! So he'd be able to pop down all of the chimneys, with all of those presents, without any difficulty.

Santa can make his deliveries without being seen because light waves get squashed at such high speeds. He would also change from red to green, appearing as a rainbow-coloured blur. At his top speed, he would become invisible to the human eye. So that's why we never see him.

Einstein’s theory could also explain why Father Christmas appears not to have aged – relativity means time slows when an object moves at high speeds.

All very good you may say, but how does Santa travel so fast? Dr. Sheen explains, "How does Santa manage to reach these phenomenal speeds? Well that’s magic! However, he would certainly need a lot of fuel – so don’t forget his glass of sherry, a mince pie or two and some carrots for the reindeer!

No matter what the explanation. it seems you can never take the magic out of Christmas. Thank goodness for that!

Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas.

All good wishes,

~ Mike

Saturday 19 December 2020

Christmas Eve In The Cornish Mines In Days of Old

I like stories of old Cornwall and it's traditions. Here's a Christmas Eve tale originally published back in 1865. I have retained the style of words as of that period.

Spriggan Sculpture by Marilyn Collins, Highbury

On Christmas eve, in former days, the small people, of the spriggans, would meet at the bottom of the deepest mines and have midnight mass.

Then those who were in the mine would hear voices melodious beyond all earthly voices singing, "Now Well! Now Well!* The strains of some deep toned organ would shake the rocks.

Of the grandeur of those meetings, old stories could not find words sufficiently sonorous to speak; it was therefore left to the imagination.

But thus was certain. The temple formed by the fairy bands in which to celebrate the eve of the birth of a Saviour, in whose mercy they all had hope, was of the most magnificent description.

* Now Well! Now Well! the angel did say
To certain poor shepherds in the fields who lay
Late in the night folding their sheep;
A winter's night, both cold and deep.
Now Well! Now Well! Now Well
Born is the King of Israel!


A Walk to Pentewan Village, Beach and Harbour

It was a sunshine day so we decided on a walk to Pentewan along the Pentewan Trail starting from the bridge as shown above. ...