Saturday 15 February 2020

Large New Development at Higher Trewhiddle, Cornwall Is On It's Way

New Hotel, St.Austell, Cornwall

This time last year I wrote a post titled The Green, Green Grass of St.Mewan: But For How Long?

On the post I published the following sign of a promised new development.

Sign for new development in Cornwall
The full details of the 'urban expansion' have now been revealed. So the green fields will disappear. Already a roundabout is being built on the A390 - this is the main St.Austell to Truro road.

Road sign for St.Austell, Cornwall

It seems there will be some  460 new homes built. 115 of these will be defined as 'affordable'. It would be nice to think that  these will go to young, local people. Time will tell.

As well as the homes there will be an hotel with 60 bedrooms, a released image shown below.

New hotel, St.Austell

Oh and, of course, a pub and restaurant, looking something like this computer generated image.

New Pub and restaurant for St.Austell

It is said that there will also be six large shops / stores, 612 parking spaces, cycle and footpaths and areas for sports and play areas.

Sadly though, more and more green fields are disappearing. It's a difficult problem as people do need homes, especially affordable homes - and the population is increasing.

As to whether the development will have a detrimental effect on the actual town of St. Austell I guess we'll have to wait and see.

The local Member of Parliament, Steve Double, wrote the following in favour of the development:

"I believe that it is time for fresh thinking to solve the issues that St Austell faces.

Let us work to build the town centre back into a place where people congregate, socialise, eat and drink, and visit small specialist shops. Certain towns in the UK have successfully implemented this model.

We also have to recognise that the large retailers now demand bigger retail units with access to large spaces for car parking.  St Austell town centre cannot offer this.

Major retailers have made it clear that they want to come to St Austell, but do not consider the town centre is able to provide the facilities they require. We have had recent experience of retailers considering the town and deciding to go elsewhere.

Most people I talk to are of the view that progress will only now be achieved by the development of an out-of-town shopping centre, as the town centre has failed to deliver large retailers for too long.

The future for St Austell is a vibrant town centre focusing on people and activities, supported by out-of-town retail facilities."

Hopefully Mr. Double will be proven correct.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

A Few Bits and Bobs of My Week in Cornwall

Border Collie

Today a few bits and bobs from my week in Cornwall.

In our garden there is a single flower on our camellia bush, hidden amongst the leaves. More flowers will no doubt follow. 

The camellia must be about six feet high now and is a bit special to me because this is Toby's bush. Toby was our favourite ever dog. That's him in the photo above, a border collie.

When we buried him we bought a small camellia bush to mark his grave and passing. We always refer to this as 'Toby's Bush'. So he is never forgotten.

Flowers in Camellia bush

I suppose one of the favourite visitors to our garden are the robins. There is one who is especially friendly and seems to follow me if I do some work in the garden. I know it's insects or worms he's after, but he's good company.

Robin bird with red breast

A while back I mentioned our 30 year old 
Jade Money Plant. It still has a few flowers.

Flowering Jade Money Plant

A few more photos for today. The first is the path leading to Cornwall's Eden Project. This shows the If you believe ... caption.

The Eden Project was created from an old china clay pit. At the time, who would have believed that this would become a garden which is visited by people from all over the world. It also has the world's largest indoor rainforest! I guess if you believe most things are possible. 

Eden Project walkway, Cornwall

A few early daffodils seen in the woods at Cornwall's  Lost Gardens of Heligan, voted UK's top visitor garden.


And a seagull! Tuck any food, take-aways, ice creams from view when he's about. 

I think he looks quite majestic and I saw him sitting by the bus station in Truro.

Close up of Cornish seagull

Finally, no week would be complete in Cornwall without at least one walk along a beach.

Carlyon Bay sandy beach

Sunday 9 February 2020

Walking From Porthpean Beach to Duporth and Charlestown, Cornwall - Part 2

Duporth Beach, near St.Austell, Cornwall

Today I'm continuing from my previous post.

After climbing a lot of steps, from Porthpean Beach, I walked along the coastal path to reach Duporth beach. Photo above and also the two below. 

Views from Cornwall's Coastal Path

Such lovely views. The two people on the beach below look very small!

Duporth Beach, Cornwall, looking down from cliffs

Continuing along the coastal path Carlyon Bay comes into view ...

Walking Cornwall's Coastal path

… but first comes Charlestown.

Walking the coastal path to Charlestown, Cornwall

At Charlestown I did an about turn and headed back to Porthpean. Unfortunately I was limited for time.

There is a sign on a wall showing the way to Porthpean - but you can't really get lost following a coastal path.

Porthpean Beach sign, Cornwall

I was soon at the steps leading back down to Porthpean beach.

Porthpean Beach, Cornwall in January

The beach is considered to be safe and is popular with families - it's a beach that the locals visit.

Beach at Portpean, Cornwall

I noticed a few rock pools and the like as I made my way to the car park ...

Rocks in the water at Portpean, Cornwall

… passing the Porthpean Sailing club.

Sailing boats at Portpean Sailing Club

There has been so much rain recently, water was running off the grass.

And there we are, back at the car park. 

Car Park and charges at Porthpean Car Park

The car park is sizeable. It's quite a narrow road though leading to and from the car park.

Porthpean Car Park, Cornwall

It's lovely walking this stretch of the coastal path with some great views. It's possible to walk the coastal path for many, many miles. I guess walking from Porthpean to Charlestown and returning is only about four miles, so nothing too strenuous.

Thursday 6 February 2020

Walking From Porthpean Beach to Duporth and Charlestown, Cornwall - Part 1

Porthpean Road, Cornwall

What a lovely surprise, a blue sky day so we headed for Porthpean Beach, which is about two or three miles from St. Austell and is part of St. Austell Bay.

Porthpean beach and cliffs, Cornwall

Porthpean Beach is simply a stretch of sand backed by cliffs, as can be seen in the first photo above. It's not one of the hot spots for tourists but is somewhere that the locals visit. 

The name Porthpean is from the Cornish language words 'porth' meaning cove and 'pean' meaning little or small.

I always like to look at cliffs, I find them fascinating.

Cliff rocks at Porthpean, Cornwall

Some of the Porthpean cliffs are topped with trees.

Ckiffs on the cliffs at Porthpean, Cornwall

There are a couple of sets of steps for anyone (like me) who wants to get to the top of the cliffs. The steps also lead to the coastal path.

Steps to top of cliffs at Portpean, Cornwall

Looking down from the steps, half way. Not many people on the beach today!

Porthpean Beach, looking down from cliffs

A view from the top of the cliffs looking down on Porthpean beach.

View from cliffs at Porthpean, Cornwall

At the top of the cliffs is an old look-out used during World War 2.

Old look out at top of Poerthpean Cliffs, Cornwall

From the look-out the surrounding countryside can be seen. Lots of green grass from all of the recent rain.

Countryside looking from Porthpean cliff top.

I reached the coastal path which heads towards Duporth Beach and Charlestown. 

This is the wonderful thing about Cornwall there is a coastal path all the way round the county and beyond. The path isn't always as neat, tidy and flat, as shown in my photo below, but is walkable as long as you don't mind ups and downs.

Cornish Coastal Footpath at Porthpean

I'll continue on in my next post with more photos: of Duporth Beach, Porthpean, Charlestown etc. See:
Walking From Porthpean Beach to Duporth and Charlestown, Cornwall - Part 2 

Map showing Porthpean, Duporth, Charlestown etc.

Monday 3 February 2020

Walking On The National Cycle Network in St.Austell, Cornwall

St. Austell railway lines and bridge
Looking over the bridge at the railway lines in St. Austell, Cornwall
The weather wasn't too good, it had been raining cats and dogs but we decided on a quick walk along the cycle path at St.Austell - part of the National Cycle Network. I snapped a few quick photos as we walked.

Part of the National Cycle Network in St.Austell, Cornwall

Along the way there are some old industrial buildings where nature is doing its best to make them a little more attractive.

Industrial buildings, St.Austell, Cornwall

Then the sun came out and dried the pathway.

National Cycle Network Pathway, St.Austell, Cornwall

This part of the path is looking down into a valley along which runs the Bodmin Road. A viaduct is used to get trains across the valley.

St. Austell Viaduct, Cornwall

Looking down is, what is known locally as the White River. The river is often coloured white by local china clay deposits.

The White River, St.Austell, Cornwall

Trees grow alongside the pathway sometimes blocking the view.

Trees on the National Cycle Track, Cornwall

I had to zoom in a bit for the next photo. On the opposite side of the valley there is a home for the elderly and an 'Elderly People' sign has been placed by the roadside.

Elderly People Road Sign, Cornwall

Back on track the pathway meanders a little.

Path on National Cycle Network, Cornwall

A peek down into the valley ...

Houses in the valley, Cornwall

… and some more trees.

Trees on the side of the valley, Cornwall

It seems the path is also suitable for horses.

Horses on the National cycle Network, Cornwall

Another look down into the valley, which by now isn't quite so steep.

National Cycle Network houses

From here we retraced our steps as we wanted to go into St. Austell town. Once back on the road there is a viaduct ...

Houses seen through a viaduct arch, Cornwall

… with a view of some of the houses on the west side of St. Austell. The town is the most populated in Cornwall.

West St. Austell houses, Cornwall

Along the road is a house that was once a tollgate in days of old.

Tollgate, Cornwall
Add caption

Finally another viaduct used by trains to and from London.

Viaduct, St. Austell, Cornwall

And then the sun came out to play, well at least for a short while.



  A few random photos from our week. We decided to head for Newquay and lunch at the Forte Inn ,   one of our favourites as there are such l...