Saturday 27 April 2024

A Day in Cornwall: Charlestown, St.Austell, Heligan

A few photos from the last week when we were out and about. Above is the port at Charlestown and below is looking out to sea from the harbour wall. You might just be able to see a few minute sailing ships on the horizon - or there again you may not.

We then moved on to the town of St. Austell

My wife had an appointment in the town so I mooched about with my camera. Some colourful paintings in the next two photos.

A photo next of a china a clay exhibit on a wall. There are several of these in various places in the town.

The appointment over we headed for the Lost Gardens of Heligan - starting off with a friendly goat.

We always like to see the rhododendrons, though it was a little chilly to use the seats! 

A cheerful colour next to an old wall ...

... and a closer look at the wall.

Moving on now to the  Jungle at Heligan

Time to be  homeward bound

And finally a quick look at Carlyon Bay on our way home.

Nearly forgot, a saying seen at Heligan:
We don't stop playing because we grow old
We grow old because we stop playing.

Thanks for visiting my blog~ Mike.

Sunday 7 April 2024

My Garden in Cornwall

There still isn't much colour in our garden at the moment, here in Cornwall. I think Spring must have forgotten us. 
On the opposite  side of the road to us the greenery is looking quite blown and untidy - as below. 

Returning to our garden the azalea has a few flowers but, at his time last year, it was full of flowers with not a leaf to be seen.

Okay there a  couple of tulips and a daffodil in the front garden

Our back garden has some attractive leaves.

Toby's bush(a camellia) does have some colour and shiny leaves.

Next we have  our willow tree, quite damp and green with moss.

Spikey - below - has weathered the rain.

Other shrubs seem okay.

Quite a lot of primroses are popping up. I always  like to see them as they remind me of my mother. They were her favourite flowers. 

To finish today's blog it's back to the other side of the road where some of the bushes are looking ok.

Thanks for visiting my blog ~ Mike

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Beaches and Harbour at Newquay, Cornwall

It's raining yet again in Cornwall, so I've dug out a few photos of a short stroll looking at a few of Newquay's beaches.

The first five photos today are looking down on Newquay Harbour.

The story of the harbour goes way back a long way. In 1439 a new quay was built in the manor, then called, Towan Blystra. The quay, though, became referred to locally as the 'new quay' - and this is how the town of Newquay got it's name.

Looking across now from the harbour.

 A pleasant beach below with hotels in the background.

 A short walk  further along the front leads to more beaches.

From here I followed my footsteps, back in the direction of the harbour. I arrive at  Towan Beach and the house on Towan Island as seen below.

If you now continued  walking over the 'mound', as seen in the next photo, you would arrive at the popular  Fistral Beach famed for its surfing - as seen in the final photo of today's post

Thanks for visiting my blog, could do with lots of sunshine now!
Good wishes ~ Mike

Monday 11 March 2024


We had a visit to Cornwall's Eden Project. It wasn't looking its best, because of the time of year, but we still enjoyed our visit  - especially as there weren't many other visitors about.

We walked around the gardens before visiting the biomes. Good to see the magnolias above.

Not sure what the plants below are

Getting nearer the biomes.

There are lots of planting going on at Eden, as symbolised by this blue 'man' with the red gloves.

Here we are below, now inside the rain forest biome  for the next eleven photos. It is said to be the world's largest indoor rain forest.

Yes, a robin keeping warm in the biome. He came and sat beside me.

That's all for the Rainforest biome for today.
Below is now the Mediterranean biome.

A quick look inside the more colourful Mediterranean biome.

That's all for today, thanks for visiting my blog. There are many more Eden posts - use the search at the top of  my blog ~ Mike.



  A few random photos from our week. We decided to head for Newquay and lunch at the Forte Inn ,   one of our favourites as there are such l...